1. Providing necessary support and academic consultancy services to the Higher Secondary Schools of Nepal for their academic development.

  2. Assisting exchange of academic and intellectual development among the Higher Secondary Schools in order to facilitate and enhance quality teaching-learning activities in a disciplined and homely environment.

  3. Securing protection and promotion of the professional rights, welfare and investment of all the Higher Secondary Schools, and their Founders, Teachers, and Staff-members by making the Higher Secondary Schools unaffected by politics and giving them permanent affiliation.

  4. Organizing and running various trainings, orientation programs, workshops, meetings, seminars, talk programs and researches etc. for the all-round development of the Higher Secondary Education and teaching and non-teaching persons involved.

  5. Offering necessary advice and counseling to the concerned offices of Nepal Government regarding the policy and professional matters of Higher Secondary Education.

  6. Facilitating coordination and cooperation among various divisions of the Higher Secondary Education Board, like Examination, Affiliation, Training, Supervision and Curriculum and Text-book etc, for the upliftment of the standard of education in Nepal.

  7. Contributing to the scientific improvement and implementation of decentralization and transparent policies regarding examination, evaluation systems, re-totaling, and re-examination of the answer-sheets of the students.

  8. Maintaining communication and sound relation with the national and international academic associations and institutions and arranging interactions and visiting programs with them in order to exchange teaching-learning ideas and skills so as to strengthen cooperation and sense of brotherhood.

  9. Organizing various extra-curricular activities independently or in coordination with the various organizations at district, regional, national and international levels so as to develop friendship and skills among the student and institutions.

  10. Providing scholarship to help the needy and marginalized students of remote areas of the country.

  11. Forming and implementing a code-of-conduct in order to ensure conducive environment by promoting healthy competition among various Higher Secondary Schools across the country.

  12. Attempting to solve the institutional problems and challenges as well as utilize available resources for the institutionization of performance accountability of Higher Secondary Schools.

  13. Organizing various social service-oriented programs to contribute in the society and community.